Section: Dissemination

Collective responsibilities

  • Gilles Dowek has been a member of the expert group who has proposed a curriculum for the specialty "Informatique et sciences du numériques" in high schools. This program has been published on the Bulletin officiel on October, 13th 2011.

  • Gilles Dowek has been a member of the recruiting committee of the University of Paris 13.

  • Assia Mahboubi is coordinator of the first Workpackage of the FORMATH European project.

  • Assia Mahboubi was elected representant of researchers at Inria Saclay – Île - de - France's Comité de Centre until September 2011.

  • Assia Mahboubi has been elected representant of researchers at LIX' Conseil de Laboratoire.

  • Assia Mahboubi is a member of Inria Saclay – Île - de - France's Comité de Suivi Doctoral.

  • Assia Mahboubi has served as “correcteur au concours d’entrée à l’École Polytechnique” (computer science examiner for the entrance exam at École Polytechnique)

  • Benjamin Werner is head of the Computer Science department of École Polytechnique. He is the main person in charge of the Computer Science cursus; he teaches and organizes the main undergraduate course together with François Pottier.