Section: Dissemination
Collective responsibilities
Gilles Dowek has been a member of the expert group who has proposed a curriculum for the specialty "Informatique et sciences du numériques" in high schools. This program has been published on the Bulletin officiel on October, 13th 2011.
Gilles Dowek has been a member of the recruiting committee of the University of Paris 13.
Assia Mahboubi is coordinator of the first Workpackage of the FORMATH European project.
Assia Mahboubi was elected representant of researchers at Inria Saclay – Île - de - France's Comité de Centre until September 2011.
Assia Mahboubi has been elected representant of researchers at LIX' Conseil de Laboratoire.
Assia Mahboubi is a member of Inria Saclay – Île - de - France's Comité de Suivi Doctoral.
Assia Mahboubi has served as “correcteur au concours d’entrée à l’École Polytechnique” (computer science examiner for the entrance exam at École Polytechnique)
Benjamin Werner is head of the Computer Science department of École Polytechnique. He is the main person in charge of the Computer Science cursus; he teaches and organizes the main undergraduate course together with François Pottier.